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MEDIA RELEASE: Court Denies Northern Cod Injunction; Matter to Proceed to Judicial Review in 2025 

October 18, 2024

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW-Unifor) is expressing disappointment in the Court’s decision to deny the Union’s request for an injunction to prevent offshore trawlers from accessing the northern cod stock. While the court did not grant the injunction, Justice Strickland acknowledged the seriousness of the issues raised by FFAW-Unifor regarding the sustainability of the northern cod fishery. The judicial review will be heard sometime in early 2025. 

Justice Strickland recognized that the Minister’s decision-making process concerning the conservation of Northern cod in the 2J3KL area is a serious issue that warrants further examination. The judge stated, “At its core, this aspect of the Applicants’ motion concerns the Minister’s decision-making as it relates to the conservation of Northern cod in the 2J3KL area… This is a serious issue.”

Greg Pretty, President of FFAW-Unifor, commented on the decision saying, “While we are disappointed with the outcome, we are encouraged that the court recognizes the gravity of our concerns. This ruling underscores the need for a thorough review of the Minister’s decision-making process regarding the northern cod fishery. We remain committed to protecting this vital resource and the commitment that was make to our Newfoundland and Labrador-based fish harvesters and plant workers.”

The court’s decision highlighted the potential risks associated with increased quotas and offshore trawling. Justice Strickland noted, “Increased quotas (onshore or offshore) means an increase in the risk of the Northern cod stock re-entering the Critical Zone. Further, that offshore trawling creates a greater risk of overfishing than inshore fisheries methods, if quotas are set too high and if sustainability measures such as monitoring and net size are not in effect.”

FFAW-Unifor’s Senior Fisheries Science, Dr. Erin Carruthers recently highlighted the serious scientific concerns with the Minister’s decision to the Federal Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO); the full testimony may be read here. 

FFAW-Unifor remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for sustainable fishing practices, responsible federal decision making according to the Fisheries Act, and upholding the historical commitment made to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.