08/25/2017 Last year, your Union made several improvements to the cod contract with buyers that ensures harvester quality is upheld. We’d like to take a moment to remind harvesters of
08/24/2017 On Wednesday, August 23rd, FFAW representatives met with all seven Members of Parliament for Newfoundland and Labrador to discuss current issues in the fishery. The meeting covered a range
08/22/2017 The NL Labour Councils are hosting Labour Day family events around the province this Monday. These free family events will include a bbq and fun activites for children! Join
08/21/2017 The following agreement was reached for squid prices in 2017: $0.74/lb (applies to first 4500 tonnes) $0.65/lb (applies when 4500 tonnes has been exceeded
08/17/2017 ST. JOHN’S, NL – August 17, 2017 – FFAW-Unifor members frustrated by a lack of crucial unloading equipment at the port in Tapper’s Cove, Torbay will soon be safely
08/14/2017 FFAW-Unifor is shocked by DFO’s decision to increase the Atlantic Mackerel TAC by a mere 2,000t following a very solid recommendation for more than three times the current TAC,
08/10/2017 FFAW-Unifor President Keith Sullivan met with new Fisheries and Land Resources Minister Gerry Byrne on Wednesday, August 9. The meeting covered a wide range of current fisheries issues including
08/09/2017 Notice to Harvesters The FFAW will be accepting applications for the Hearts Content sentinel site, (this sentinel site has a control site that must be fished) Harvesters eligible to
08/09/2017 With strong support and input from the mackerel negotiating committee, FFAW has reached an agreement with ASP on the minimum price of mackerel for the 2017 season. Under the