July 9, 2021 – Following the announcement in April of a 12,999 mt TAC, fish harvesters and processing workers have been awaiting the details of the 2J3KL Management Plan for Northern Cod. Despite disappointment on the low TAC relative to the stock biomass, the Plan released today by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has an earlier start date to the fishery and increased weekly harvest limits for 2021.
The fishery opens on July 25th, and has initial weekly limits increased over 35% – from 2,300 lbs to 3,200 lbs. Options remain to choose different fishing periods, such as the Fall option. As in previous years, harvesters are encouraged to contact DFO if they want to choose the Fall-only option, and the deadline to do so is Friday July 16th.
Earlier this year, DFO confirmed that the first 115,000 MT will be available for inshore owner operator and Indigenous harvesters. This is an important step in ensuring future value for inshore harvesters and local communities.
DFO’s full announcement can be found HERE for reference.