FFAW-Unifor is calling on the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to make timely decisions on species management plans, particularly with the current capelin fishery.
“Over the past several months, DFO has shown a complete lack of urgency and respect for those whose livelihoods depend on our coastal resources. Harvesters are understandably frustrated with the delayed announcements of management plans,” said FFAW-Unifor President Keith Sullivan.
Capelin harvesters are currently in limbo as they wait for DFO to announce a total allowable catch (TAC) for this year’s fishery, weeks into the season being open.
For weeks, FFAW-Unifor has been pressing DFO to make this decision that impacts thousands of harvesters and plant workers in our province.
“The capelin fishery is extremely time sensitive with a limited window to harvest the most valued fish. By the time DFO stops dragging their heels on a TAC announcement, the capelin could be gone from the fishing area,” added Sullivan.
This year, the Department has had delayed management plan announcements for the gulf halibut fishery as well as the snow crab fishery. Harvesters are still waiting on a management plan for northern cod, despite the recreational fishery having been notified of dates for that fishery.