Following a virtual meeting on Friday evening, the 4R Shrimp Committee confirmed their inability to fish for 92 cents. “We cannot understand how Quebec processors are paying 1.40 plus and NL buyers cannot pay the 1.20 presented to the panel. Furthermore, based on all of the information presented the Committee is baffled by the Panel’s decision,” stated Fleet Chair Rendell Genge of Anchor Point.
It’s important to highlight the decision of the three (3) member panel was not unanimous.
While several 4R boats continue to land their catch in Quebec, they highlight the lost opportunity and negative impacts on plant workers and the entire Great Northern Peninsula. “The fleet and plant workers are in a very precarious situation and their survival will depend on decisions that will be made now. We will ensure that all levels of government understand there are solutions to this situation. This is as much about the importance of the region,” said Jason Spingle, Secretary-Treasurer.