FFAW Meets with Premier, Minister Byrne and Minister Coady
Today, FFAW representatives met with Premier Dwight Ball, Minister Gerry Byrne and Minister Siobhan Coady to discuss important issues related to the fishery and the impacts of oil and gas development on the industry.
FFAW raised concerns related to recent coordinated efforts by fish processing companies to suppress the price of squid and prevent harvesters from prosecuting the fishery. FFAW recommended that the provincial government take steps to address this cartel-like behaviour of large processing companies in order to create more competition and capacity in the industry. The Premier and Minister Byrne committed to continuing the conversation on how to best support fish harvesters and coastal communities in ensuring they can continue to land and sell high-quality fish in the province.
FFAW also raised concerns regarding the C-NLOPB’s recent announcement of a call for bids and nominations for new offshore parcels located on valuable, traditional crab fishing grounds. Harvester Nelson Bussey made it clear to the Premier and Ministers that harvesters would not stand for any oil and gas development that would shut harvesters out of some of the most productive, valuable crab fishing grounds in the province. Minister Coady committed to following up with FFAW and harvesters to further discuss the proposed parcel, the potential impact on harvesters and how consultation and communication with the fishing industry on future development can be improved.