FFAW sea cucumber harvesters met today, July 8th, to discuss concerns regarding this year’s fishery. On Monday, ASP contacted FFAW and asked if there was consideration in lowering the minimum price for sea cucumber. This occurred after ASP put in a request for the price setting panel to reconsider the minimum price last week. FFAW responded highlighting that there has been no significant change in the market to warrant a reconsideration and the panel agreed and dismissed the ASP application.
Today, harvesters were steadfast in their position to not drop prices. There are many reasons including the increase costs to operate enterprises and it can’t be done selling sea cucumbers for pennies. Harvesters would like to have a successful fishery, but it must be for fair and viable prices.
FFAW has reached out to ASP to gauge interest in this fishery at the current price set by the fish price setting panel. We will update members when information becomes available.