Harvesters Block Out-of-Province Crab from Landing in NL
Harvesters Block Out-of-Province Crab from Landing in NL
Fish harvesters are mobilizing around the province to block out-of-province crab from landing in Newfoundland and Labrador for processing. Harvesters and plant workers are calling on the provincial government to step in and for companies to respect NL workers.
Harvesters and plant workers alike have called on the provincial government to prohibit bringing in crab from outside the province for processing while we work to ensure their safety in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, but to date the government has taken no action.
Rather than negotiating a fair price for NL harvesters or responding to the concerns of workers, processing companies have pocketed subsidies from the federal government and are trucking in crab from outside the province in an attempt to pressure NL plant workers back to work. Significant concerns still surround safety in plants as companies have yet to confirm whether proper personal protective equipment will be available in plants.
Harvesters and plant workers will not stand for these actions by the processing companies and will block any attempts to bring in this outside crab for processing.
For media inquiries, please contact Courtney Glode at cglode@ffaw.ca or 709-743-4445.