March 23, 2021 – FFAW-Unifor has made the difficult decision to withdraw participation in the Canada-France Delegation for the 3Ps cod fishery.
“We have serious concerns about how FFAW members are considered in decision-making leading to positions for this negotiation, and vocalized similar concerns following last year’s process. The recommendation proposed for this year relating to 3Ps cod is unacceptable and must be revisited,” said Keith Sullivan, FFAW-Unifor President.
FFAW-Unifor has been adamant that there are solutions based on the best available science which would allow for this essential fishery to continue. However, the many concerns relating the fluctuating view of science in recent years, and the absence of a Spring survey due to limitations arising from COVID in 2020, have not been weighed in this consultation.
“We remain dedicated to finding a path forward that includes more in-depth and constructive discussion on the issues related to the negotiation, and trust that the socioeconomic impact of any decision the involves fish harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador is justly considered,” Sullivan concluded.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Courtney Langille, Communications Officer