Meeting Update - Council and Crab Chairs Meet to Discuss Crab Fishery
Members of the Inshore Council and Crab Chairs held a meeting this evening to discuss the upcoming snow crab fishery. Over the past few days, council and committee members consulted with harvesters around the province about their concerns and to gather feedback on how to proceed with this year’s fishery. he meeting did not recommend a further delay, it’s clear that harvesters are unanimously disappointed in the decision of the panel.
The meeting tonight discussed the possibility of a price reconsideration and that submission will take place as soon as possible. The Panel’s decision was unjustified and is not in line with the market or prices at the wharf in the Maritimes. The Panel’s decision is not economically sustainable for harvesters and needs to be replaced by something that is fair to harvesters. The challenge is that we only get one shot at a reconsideration. When we do file, we need the best case and the best evidence. We are gathering that evidence and building that case now. With the fishing season due to start in a few days, please note that a new price decision does not retroactively apply to crab already landed.
DFO has notified us that license conditions will be made available later tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Federal support is required immediately, and we expect an announcement from the federal Minister of Fisheries in the coming days. If you have not already done so, write or call your MP to emphasize how important this support is for our coastal communities.