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FFAW Leadership Meets with New Fisheries Minister

August 14, 2018

This afternoon FFAW-Unifor leadership met with newly appointed Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson. In attendance at the meeting on behalf of the Union was President Keith Sullivan, Secretary-Treasurer David Decker and Inshore Vice-President Tony Doyle.

Discussions with the Minister touched on several topics important to FFAW-Unifor members including amendments to the Fisheries Act, managing the transition from shellfish to groundfish, and concerns surrounding harvester input on fisheries science and marine conservation consultations. In addition to these topics, FFAW-Unifor representatives highlighted the need for increased access to halibut and turbot for Newfoundland and Labrador fish harvesters, and the important role Northern cod will play in managing the transition from shellfish. For fish processing plant workers, FFAW-Unifor emphasized to the Minister the importance of Arctic surf clam to workers in Grand Bank and discussed the significance of good processing jobs to rural communities around the province.

This initial meeting was an excellent opportunity to bring the new minister up to speed on critical issues facing the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery. It is clear Minister Wilkinson is open to thorough discussion and debate on fisheries issues and we look forward to working closely with him to address concerns and priorities raised by FFAW-Unifor members.