The FFAW crab negotiating committee have met with ASP and their members several times since mid-January. Those discussions have been productive and focused on finding a long-term solution to setting the price of crab in Newfoundland and Labrador. Negotiations are buoyed by the fact that market conditions for snow crab are in a much better place during this set of negotiations compared to the last two years. We have seen steady increases in the Urner Barry price index and inventory is not a factor. In fact, Urner Barry ceased quoting NL snow crab earlier this month because trade volumes are minimal. The exchange rate is very favourable for exporters, which is good for harvesters.
Yesterday, the Union recommended that negotiations be paused until after Seafood Expo North America (i.e., the Boston Seafood Show), and that in the event an agreement cannot be reached and a hearing with the Standing Fish price Setting Panel is necessary, then that hearing be postponed from March 20th to March 25th. ASP concurred with this recommendation and the parties are currently awaiting a decision from Minister Bryne on that new date. Negotiations are scheduled to resume on Wednesday, March 19th. Seafood Expo North America, scheduled for March 16-18, is an important event for the seafood industry in Newfoundland and Labrador, crab in particular. President Street is attending the show.
There have been threats of widespread tariffs on Canadian goods exported to the US since Trump’s inauguration. They have been proposed, delayed, and we are currently in middle of a one-month reprieve. The only tariffs that currently exist on exports from Canada to the US are on steel and aluminium. Dealing with ‘what-if’s’ during price negotiations is extremely difficult, therefore it is the position of the crab negotiating committee that our focus needs to be on establishing a pricing structure that offers a long-term solution to setting crab prices in this province to ensure a timely start to the fishery and a fair-sharing of market returns.
Crab Negotiating Committee Members:
Alton Rumbolt – 2J
Darren Boland – 4R
Brad Patey – 3K inshore
Glen Newbury – 3K inshore
Wayne Hicks – 3K inshore
Chad Payne – 3K offshore
Eldred Woodford – 3K offshore
Larry Roche – 3L inshore
Chad Waterman – 3L inshore
John Efford – 3L offshore
Glen Winslow – 3L offshore
Nelson Bussey – 3L offshore
Kenny Viscount – 3Ps
Lee Melindy – Crewmember
Jason Sullivan – VP inshore
Dwan Street – President
Sherry Glynn – Inshore Director
Onye Oluoha – Data analyst