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Public Notice - Molluscan Shellfish Harvesting Closing for a Portion of Tommy's Arm, Notre Dame Bay - pn.24.010

June 21, 2024




Jun. 21, 2024

Molluscan Shellfish Harvesting Closing for a Portion of Tommy’s Arm, Notre Dame Bay

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) advises the public of the closure to harvesting of all bivalve shellfish (including Arctic wedge calms, Atlantic razor clams, Atlantic surf clams, bay quahaugs, northern propeller clams, ocean quahaugs, softshell clam, Stimpson’s surf clams, bay mussels, blue mussel, horse mussels, American oysters, bay scallops, Iceland scallops, purple hinge rock scallop, northern moon snails, waved whelks, Stimpson’s whelks, except sea scallops) for recreational or commercial purposes effective 1800hrs Friday, June 21, 2024 for the that portion of Tommy’s Arm bounded by the shoreline and a series of straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

49.47304 N 55.75942 W, to a point at

49.46774 N 55.76196 W, then along the shoreline to a point at

49.46464 N 55.78563 W, to a point at

49.47014 N 55.78963 W, then along the shoreline to a point at

49.47103 N 55.77843 W, to a point at

49.47234 N 55.77005, then along the shoreline back to the point of commencement.

More detailed information on other closed areas can be obtained from the nearest DFO office or the following website:

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region gives notice that Prohibition Order NSN-2024-002 comes into effect 1800hrs Friday, June 21, 2024.

For more information on the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program please consult the following website:


For information, contact:
Stephen Moyse
Regional Aquaculture Management Officer
Aquaculture Management
Tel. (709)687-6669