FFAW has heard from harvesters seeking buddy up in the 2J3KL Northern cod fishery. Over the winter, the FFAW Cod Working Group developed a proposal, that if supported by the fleet, would be submitted to DFO. Last month, that proposal along with a ballot, went to 2J3KL Northern Cod license holders to have their say on whether they support cod buddy up and the maximum number of shares that should be allowed in a cod buddy up arrangement.
Yesterday, June 5, 2024, the ballots were counted by staff and members of the FFAW Cod Working Group. Here are the results:
1,494 ballots sent to license holders
596 ballots returned, six were spoiled, resulting in 590 valid ballots.
This is roughly a 40% return rate.
Q1. How many shares of cod do you have?
1 share: 303 respondents
1.1– 1.9 shares: 35 respondents
2 shares: 110 respondents
2.1 – 2.9 shares: 15 respondents
3 shares: 97 respondents
** note that 30 respondents did not answer this question
Q2. Do you support buddy up in the 2J3KL Northern cod fishery?
Yes: 527 respondents (89%)
No: 63 respondents (11%)
Q3. What is the maximum number of shares that should be permitted in a buddy up?
2 shares 72 votes
3 shares 117 votes
4 shares 76 votes
5 shares 85 votes
6 shares 177 votes
The results showed support for buddy up in 2J3KL Northern cod, with a majority supporting a maximum of six (6) shares in a buddy up.
It is important to note that DFO does make the final decision on whether a buddy-up policy will be added to the Northern Cod fishery in 2J3KL. Today, the proposal and these ballot results will be sent to DFO with a request to implement buddy up in the 2J3KL Northern cod fishery.
Thank you to the Working Group members for the volunteer hours dedicated to developing this proposal and the work you have done on cod over the last months.