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November 3, 2023
Today, the Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced the World Energy GH2 project is deficient and requires additional work before it can proceed:
“Following government and public review of the August 22, 2023 submission of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Port au Port-Stephenville Wind Power and Hydrogen Generation Project (Project Nujio’qonik GH2), the minister has determined that more information is needed and an amendment to the EIS is necessary to inform the significance of the environmental effects.”
FFAW will continue to monitor the project website for updates on what the implications of this decicion are. The EIS has not been accepted or rejected at this point. FFAW has requested World Energy GH2 meet with affected members in the Stephenville, Port au Port and Codroy Valley areas. Thank you to those members who have provided feedback on this so far!
Environmental Assessment Bulletin press release: