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Volunteer Snapshot: A Week in the Life

March 29, 2019
Our Union’s extensive network of volunteers devote thousands of hours each year to improving the fishing industry by offering their time and expertise. Their work is critical to advancing the goals of our Union.
There are 30 elected seats on the FFAW’s Inshore Council, as well as 7 Inshore Executive Board positions, representing a variety of geographic, fleet and demographic sectors in the fishery. At the local level there are dozens of fleet committees representing various fleets, in different regions that comprise hundreds of individuals around the province.
Each fleet committee consists of numerous democratically elected harvesters that are responsible for addressing specific concerns of the fleet, keeping the fleet informed as to price and quota information, and representing the fleet at the negotiating table.
Hundreds of volunteers give up their time to travel to and participate in meetings, advisories and negotiations. Without them, our union would cease to exist as we know it. To put this into perspective, this week alone the following meetings took place:
Snow Crab Price Negotiations – March 25, 26, 27:
Andy Careen
Calvin Young
Carl Hopkins
Dennis Chaulk
Dwight Petten
Glen Newbury
Ivan Batten
Ken Viscount
Nelson Bussey
Rick Kean
Trevor Jones
Wayne Hicks
Purse Seine Herring Capelin Meeting 3LK- March 25:

Brad Porter
Eldred Woodford
Ivan Batten
Jason Burton
Mike Dobbin Jr
Robbie Green
Steve Miller
Inshore Crab Meetings in Indian Bay – March 25:
Gerard Hounsell
Jason Elliot
Derek Pickett
Inshore Crab in Eastport – March 26:
Gerard Hounsell
Jason Elliot
Derek Pickett
Inshore Crab Meeting in Bonavista – March 26:
Gerard Hounsell
Jason Elliot
Derek Pickett
Calvin Furlong
Atlantic Mackerel Advisory Committee Meeting – March 28:

Trevor Jones
Allan Sheppard
Robbie Green
Northern Cod Assessment Meeting – March 26, 27 and 28:
Alton Rumbolt
Wade Clarke
Basil Goodyear
Snow Crab Gulf Shrimp Advisory Group – March 28:
Ren Genge
Area 13 Advisory Committee Meeting – March 29:
Robert Dobbin