Until today, the shrimp processing sector, (members of the Association of Seafood Producers), have been evasive about their intentions regarding shrimp processing for 2022. On the strength of improved markets this season, the Standing Fish Price Setting Panel accepted a minimum price of $1.42/lb for shrimp this Spring. Now, the few processors that harvesters are allowed to sell to are refusing to purchase shrimp. Many of these harvesters, including those in the 4R fleet do not have any other fisheries to pursue or other sources of income to supplement this loss. Furthermore, there are several plants with hundreds of workers that are dependent upon inshore shrimp.
There are reports that at least one processing plant plans to take “industrial” shrimp from offshore factory trawlers and process it to supply markets instead of purchasing from local inshore harvesters. As has been pointed out frequently to this provincial Liberal government, the concentrated processing sector is treating inshore harvesters unfairly and it must not continue to be condoned. Our government have not yet acted on informed recommendations by FFAW to bring balance back to collective bargaining or allow for fair competition in the industry.
FFAW has requested an urgent meeting with Minister Bragg to discuss the challenges in the shrimp harvesting sector. View the letter sent on today’s date HERE.