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Unifor Atlantic Regional Council

June 25, 2015

Unifor’s Atlantic Regional Council was held in Saint John, NB between June 19th and 21st.

This second meeting of the council brought together over 200 delegates. There were several items on the agenda, as well as elections for several of the officers of the council. In the first year of existence, many of those who were initially elected have move into other roles and positions, which warranted nominations and elections for the following – Chair, Vice-Chair, Member at Large for Nova Scotia, Member at Large for Newfoundland and Labrador, and a member to the Health and Safety Committee.

Four out of the five positions were acclaimed without opposition. FFAW-Unifor’s own Jóhan Joensen stood for the position of Member at Large for Newfoundland and Labrador and was elected by acclamation. The other positions elected by acclimation were Matthew Blois Vice-Chair, Archie MacLachlan Member at Large for Nova Scotia and Robert Healey for Health and Safety Committee. There was an election for Chair, with the delegates voting on Lisa Martin or Karl Risser, after the ballots were counted Ms. Martin was declared the new Chair of Unifor’s Atlantic Regional Council.

FFAW-Unifor had two members participating in the council, the aforementioned Jóhan Joensen and Doretta Strickland from Triton. 

In the discussions around recommendations and resolutions, Ms. Strickland received a standing ovation for her emotional description of the challenges members working in the processing sector experience if suffering with shellfish asthma. She spoke on how the members working at the plant in Triton had to challenge the company, so that a member suffering from crab asthma could be accommodated to be able to continue to work in the plant. This was after the worker had tried out other positions in order to have a bit of variety in their duties in the plant.

FFAW-Unifor also brought forward a Resolution that Unifor Atlantic council will work with FFAW-Unifor to ensure that the Canadian Government manages our fisheries fairly according to established fish management principles. Specifically, those who are adjacent and in particular those who have historical and traditional dependence on the resource, including aboriginal rights, be given priority access to benefit from those resources.