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March 24, 2022

Negotiations between your Union and the Association of Seafood Producers (ASP) for the price of snow crab in 2022 concluded today without a resolution.

At 4 pm, both sides submitted final offers in advance of a hearing tomorrow before the Standing Fish Price Setting Panel. The FFAW price position is $9.05 per pound. During negotiations we did try to establish a new pricing system directly linked to Urner Barry, which included retroactive pay for a price change, but no agreement could be reached.

The ASP offer is $7.60, a rollover of last year’s price.

Thank you to the FFAW Snow Crab Negotiating Committee for their hard work, input and commitment on behalf of members throughout negotiations.

The Standing Fish Price Setting Panel will hold a hearing to determine the price of crab tomorrow, March 25th, at 10AM. The Panel must release its decision on price by next Wednesday, March 30th, 2022.