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Request to the Minister of Fisheries Regarding Northern Shrimp

May 26, 2021

FFAW-Unifor is requesting a meeting as soon as possible to discuss the northern shrimp decision in SFA 6.

This is also the most depended upon fishing area to supply shrimp for value added processing in adjacent communities including six dedicated shrimp plants in NL. Pursuant to a sharing arrangement established in 2016, 69.6% of the SFA 6 quota is allocated to the inshore. The offshore sector has majority access to both SFA 4 and 5. Exploitation rates remain higher in more northern stock areas, SFAs 4 and 5, where offshore companies have primary access despite the lower biomass levels compared to SFA 6…..READ MORE HERE FFAW Letter to Minister Jordan – May 25, 2021 on Northern Shrimp TAC