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Price Setting Panel Selects FFAW Price in Reconsideration of Shrimp

July 14, 2020

The Standing Fish Price Panel released its decision on the shrimp price reconsideration filed by ASP last Friday, July 10th. The Panel selected the FFAW price of $1.08. The ASP price submission was $0.85.

While FFAW is pleased that its price was selected, we strongly believe that this reconsideration should not have taken place. By any measure, ASP did not meet the statutory requirements to trigger a reconsideration. Reconsiderations are not supposed to serve as a do-over of the original hearing, but this is what happened in this case. As a result, harvesters had to reduce their offer to avoid a price in the 80-cent range.

Thank you to the committee for its attention and feedback throughout this difficult situation.