Cenovus Compensation Claim
Work is ongoing to establish a compensation program for all harvesters impacted by the Cenovus ‘West White Rose’ Project currently underway in Placentia Bay.
FFAW staff and harvesters in 3Ps met with Cenovus for a general information session in February 2024. The overall scope of the Project was discussed, including the 2024 dredging campaign and the 2025 tow out. At this meeting, as voted by harvesters present, additional members were added to the Fisheries Liaison Committee tasked with participating in fisheries engagements, and by way of this, drafting the compensation framework. The members added include harvesters representative of the area that serves to be most affected by the short term dredging work in Fox Harbour and Ship Harbour. This committee includes FFAW staff and inshore council members, 3Ps fish harvesters, and representatives from Cenovus.
Since then, there have been productive Fisheries Liaison Committee meetings discussing placement of the dredging channels in consultation with fish harvesters to minimize impacts. The summer, discussions on compensation for lost income due to dredging began. This closure is not permanent and habitat restoration plans are in place; however there are expected impacts related to increased steaming times, encroachment, temporary loss of fishing area, and damage to fish habitat. Cenovus and FFAW are currently working through details of the compensation plan and are hopeful productive negotiations will ensue. FFAW has engaged legal representatives to ensure a fair deal is made.
Cenovus has committed to meet with harvester groups in 3Ps and 3L this fall and winter to provide necessary updates on the dredging and tow out scope.