FFAW-Unifor’s Inshore Council held meetings in Gander October 11 to 12, 2016. Elected representatives of harvesters from across the province participated in the meetings and discussed and debated a variety of issues facing fish harvesters in the coming months.
Inshore Council members represent regions or positions and are elected every three years or as vacancies arise. This was the first meeting of the newly elected Council.
The Council heard a presentation from Jim Baird, the Chair of the NL Groundfish Industry Development Council, who discussed the ongoing work of the Council and the 2016 expansion of the stewardship northern cod fishery.
A representative of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans was present for a discussion on the federal government’s plans to meet targets for marine protected areas. Members of the Council raised concerns about the process of expanding areas and highlighted the need for significant consultation with fish harvesters.
The Council passed several resolutions at the meeting that provided direction for work that will be done in the coming months, including motions to:
- Send a letter to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans commending his commitment to provide the inshore with the first 115,000mt of northern cod.
- Intensify lobbying efforts to have Turbot stocks inside the 200 mile limit managed in Canada.
- Continue campaign to increase the NL share of Halibut on the province’s south coast.
- Advocate for having the best possible science available to ensure sustainable fisheries management.