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Inshore Council Election - Reminder to Return Ballots

March 28, 2019

Inshore Council elections are underway and members are reminded that if you are in a contested area, ballots must be received in the envelope provided no later than April 4, 2019.

The following is a list of all positions:




Council Member  
Cape St. Francis to Point Lance Jim Chidley Elected
St. Brides to Swift Current Brian Careen

Kevin McGrath

Monkstown to Garnish Clayton Moulton Elected
St. Bernards to MacCullum Dan Baker Elected
Francois to Codroy Roger Fowlow Elected
Highlands to Cox’s Cove Darren Boland

Tracy Hickey

Trout River to Eddies Cove West Blaine Crocker Elected
Barr’d Harbour to Noddy Bay & L’anse au Clair to Red Bay Carl Hedderson Elected
Quirpon to Englee Mike Symmonds Elected
Jackson’s Arm to Cape St. John Albert Wells Elected
Cape St. John to North Head Randy Randell

Robert Robinson

North Head to Port Albert, Including New World Island & Twillingate Island Eldred Woodford Elected
Gander Bay to Cape Freels (incl., Fogo & Change Islands Aubrey Brinson

Basil Goodyear

Newtown to Elliston Dennis Chaulk

Gerard Hounsell

Little Catalina to Green’s Harbour Darrin Marsh Elected
Whiteway to Carbonear Keith Smith Elected
Harbour Grace to Cape St. Francis Rodney Mercer

Matthew Petten

Henley Harbour to Cartwright Harrison Campbell Alton Rumbolt CONTESTED
Crew Member Positions Jamie Aylward Elected
Crew Member Positions Jody Seward Elected
Crew Member Positions Matthew Jones Elected
Women’s Positions Loretta Kelly Elected
Women’s Positions Nancy Bowers Elected
Women’s Positions Shelley White Elected
Young Harvester Positions Ivan Lear Elected
Young Harvester Positions Jay Ryan Elected
At-Large Positions William White Elected
At-Large Positions Andy Careen Elected
At-Large Positions Glen Winslow Elected
At-Large Positions Ren Genge Elected