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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sullivan/Keenan Elected to Another Term as FFAW-Unifor President and Secretary-Treasurer

August 9, 2021

August 9, 2021 – Keith Sullivan and Robert Keenan have been re-elected to the top elected positions of FFAW-Unifor.

Nominations for the FFAW-Unifor’s 16-member Executive Board, including the positions of President and Secretary-Treasurer, closed Monday, May 31st. Accompanied by staff of the chartered professional accounting firm Quinlan Boland Barrett, the Elections Committee met today, August 9th, to finalize the slate of candidates.

Also unopposed is Tony Doyle, Vice-President of the Inshore division of the Union, and the Industrial/Retail/Offshore Vice-President, Doretta Strickland.

Only one seat was contested in the election, IRO – Cape Freels South to Cape Pine, and Sheila Howell received the greatest number of votes.

Below is a full list of candidates and their election positions. The new Executive Board will be installed at the Union’s Triennial Convention, scheduled for November 22nd to 25th in St. John’s, NL.





For more information, please contact:

Tina Pretty, Chair of the FFAW-Unifor’s Election Committee –

Courtney Langille at (709) 576-7276 |




Executive Board Position  



President Keith Sullivan Elected by Acclamation
Secretary-Treasurer Robert Keenan Elected by Acclamation
VP – Inshore Tony Doyle Elected by Acclamation
VP – IRO Doretta Strickland Elected by Acclamation
Inshore – Avalon Nelson Bussey Elected by Acclamation
Inshore – NE Coast Glen Newbury Elected by Acclamation
Inshore – N. Pen/Lab. Loomis Way Elected by Acclamation
Inshore – W & S Coasts Kevin Hardy Elected by Acclamation
Inshore – Women’s Nancy Bowers Elected by Acclamation
Inshore – Crewmember Michael Noonan Elected by Acclamation
IRO – Cape Freels South to Cape Pine Sheila Howell

Gord Brown

CONTESTED – Howell Elected August 9, 2021
IRO – Cape Pine West to Cox’s Cove Charles Baker Elected by Acclamation
IRO – Lab., Northern Pen & NE Coast Nancy Fillier Elected by Acclamation
IRO – Non-Fishing Joey Warford Elected by Acclamation
IRO – Offshore VACANT* Elected by Acclamation
  *the elected candidate has since left their bargaining unit