Those in the shrimp industry in the Gulf of St. Lawrence have already seen considerable decreases in quotas and now unfavourable environmental conditions including an explosion of redfish that are a major predator of shrimp. In the face of this, DFO attempted to introduce a new Precautionary Approach without consultation that would see a 30% cut for our harvesters (SFA8).
Even under the current PA, the declines would lead to a 15% decrease. FFAW argued that status quo would be more appropriate and that introducing a new management system without consultation is unacceptable.
Harvesters, plant workers and entire communities are concerned with the growth of redfish and time for a transition is needed if this heavy predation occurs that DFO has noted. By slashing quotas, it will only be additional shrimp for the redfish to feast on.
The 4R and inshore shrimp fleets in the Gulf need to be guaranteed a priority and majority share of the upcoming Redfish quota. The future of our west coast and Northern Peninsula depends upon it.
As a part of this, this federal government must be more supportive of the cutting-edge science been completed by FFAW and fleet members that will prepare for this fishery and protect the other groundfish stocks like Atlantic halibut and Witch flounder.