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First Lobster Price of 2020

May 12, 2020

The lobster price for the week of May 3 to 9 has been released this evening based on the Urner Barry price calculations. $6.76/lb is an excellent price and is a result of a market shortage leading up to Mother’s Day weekend.

The lobster season was delayed in both NL and Nova Scotia, meaning there was very little supply for the biggest lobster selling day of the year. Many areas in the gulf will open on May 15 which will result in larger landings and uncertainty in regards to prices.

The next price will be for the week of May 10 to 16 and will be available next Wednesday

Effective Date Average Market

Price USD

Exchange Rate Average Market

Price CDN

Minimum Shore Price
March 3-9th $6.80 1.3995 $9.51 $6.76