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FFAW President Speaks with DFO Minister

April 12, 2020

Yesterday evening FFAW-Unifor President Keith Sullivan had discussions with the Federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Bernadette Jordan. There are several points worth noting.

  • The federal government remains committed to looking at sector specific supports (i.e. supports that would work for the fishing sector) and all workers impacted by Covid-19 including plant processing workers, dockside monitors, crew members on vessels and enterprise owners are being considered.
  • Consideration for supports for those in the fishing industry are ongoing whether fisheries have started or not and all possible solutions and supports are “on the table”.
  • Government is working to address some issues with Canadian Emergency Relief Benefits (CERB) to ensure people are not left behind.
  • Your health and safety remain the number one priority during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We hope you are all finding some joy and are staying safe this Easter weekend.