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FFAW Presents Unifor Cheque to Grace Sparkes House in Marystown

March 31, 2016

On March 24, FFAW-Unifor Executive Board member Karen Caines and OCI Fortune plant worker Marie Grandy presented a $2,000 cheque to Joan Coady-Kelly, an employee at the Grace Sparkes House.

Every year around International Women’s Day, the Unifor Social Justice Fund, Unifor and Unifor Regional Councils make donations to shelters across the country. In 2016, a total of $144,000.00 was presented to 22 shelters.

In a letter that accompanied the cheque, Unifor National President Jerry Dias said, “The needs of women escaping violence or seeking equality across Canada remain great. This donation is made in recognition the incredible work the staff at these facilities do on a daily basis on behalf of the women in their community.”

Ms. Coady-Kelly acknowledged the Unifor donation and said, “The funds will be used for Empowerment Sessions with women, and also towards purchasing items for our ‘Hampers of Hope’. These hampers are usually a laundry basket full of items, such as dish cloths, cleaners, sheets, dishes, pots and pans, mop, broom, towels, shampoos, toiletries, etc. Women leaving the shelter and starting over will each receive a hamper.”