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FFAW Files Reconsideration Request for Snow Crab Price

June 1, 2019

Today, FFAW-Unifor filed an application with the Standing Fish Price Setting Panel to reconsider the minimum price on snow crab. In mid-May, the Panel made the decision to lower the minimum price following a reconsideration submission from the Association of Seafood Producers (ASP). The price was dropped to $4.90, a 48-cent reduction from the initial minimum price of $5.38, which had been the highest minimum price ever set for snow crab.

At the time of its May decision, the Panel stated that the price of snow crab was trending downward which justified a lower price. However, instead of decreasing, the price of snow crab has steadily increased over the past two weeks. When the Panel made its decision in May, the market price was $7.95; it has since risen to $8.10 and shows positive signs of further increases.

“Every harvester deserves to fish for a fair minimum price,” said Keith Sullivan, President of FFAW-Unifor. “It doesn’t matter if it’s at the beginning or end of the season, it’s essential that harvesters continue to fight to preserve fairness in the pricing system.”

“There are also long-term concerns,” continued Sullivan. “A bad price today becomes a starting point for price negotiations the following year. As a Union, we cannot be complacent when faced with unfair prices and we have to use every tool we have available to increase minimum prices.”

Once the FFAW application is accepted by the Panel, a reconsideration hearing will be held early next week.