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FFAW Calls on FISH-NL to End Failing Campaign to Represent Harvesters

November 8, 2019

MEDIA RELEASE: FFAW Calls on FISH-NL to End Failing Campaign to Represent Harvesters

November 8, 2019

After nearly four years of a campaign based on lies and misrepresentation, it is time for FISH-NL to end their failing card drive and allow the industry to move forward. FISH-NL’s announcement that they intend to extend their certification drive an additional 90 days past their November 8 deadline is another desperate attempt to find sufficient support from fish harvesters, the majority of whom have repeatedly rejected FISH-NL’s efforts to represent them.

“Fish harvesters are ready to move on from the chaos and division FISH-NL has created in our industry over the past four years,” said FFAW-Unifor President Keith Sullivan. “Continuing to drag out this process does nothing to advance the interests of the fish harvesters FISH-NL wishes to represent.”

No extension to the certification period has been formally requested by FISH-NL nor has the Labour Relations Board granted an extension. FISH-NL’s campaign extension is merely an attempt to revise their own self-imposed deadline to adapt their failing campaign and give themselves more time to garner support that does not exist. FISH-NL initiated their campaign in 2016 with the Labour Relations Board rejecting the group’s first application for a membership vote in late 2018 due to insufficient support.

“In recent weeks, FFAW has heard from harvesters who are concerned their name has been fraudulently signed to a FISH-NL membership card and from members of the public not connected to the fishery who are frustrated with receiving FISH-NL robocalls. It is clear this group has done nothing but create turmoil and unrest in our coastal communities. It is time for FISH-NL to acknowledge they do not have sufficient support and allow fish harvesters to get back to focusing on the critical issues our industry is facing,” said Sullivan.


For media inquiries, please contact Courtney Glode at or 709-743-4445.