Crab Committee chairs from around the province met today and voted to recommend a further delay the crab fishery until at least May 11 due to concerns surround the COVID-19 pandemic. This date will be reevaluated 2 weeks prior to May 11th, providing at least a 10-day notice period prior to any opening. It was acknowledged that there is a high level of anxiety and concern regarding safety for our communities. The Committee will also request that DFO extend the fishing season by one month this year. These recommendations will be formally submitted to DFO.
Discussions between the Crab Negotiating Committee and ASP regarding price and logistical challenges for the 2020 fishery are still ongoing. Harvesters are not prepared to completely call off a crab fishery for the 2020 season and will continue to reassess the situation as it progresses in Newfoundland and Labrador.
On the call today the Crab Committee was in unanimous support for the recommendation that the province prohibit all out-of-province and out-of-country vessels from landing any product in Newfoundland and Labrador, until fish harvesters and plant workers have deemed it safe to do so.