The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has released the Management Plan for the 2022 Capelin fishery today, announcing a 10% increase to 4RST capelin (10,225t) and a rollover quota for 2J3KL (14,533t).
Harvesters in the Gulf are certainly pleased with the increase provided based on improvements to the stock’s health in recent years. However, 2J3KL harvesters were similarly expecting a modest quota increase based on positive science.
FFAW-Unifor is pleased that, despite the attempts of conservationist lobby groups to unjustly influence the commercial fishery in recent weeks, Minister Murray’s decision surrounding the capelin fishery was based on scientific evidence that the commercial harvest has a negligible impact on stocks’ health.
FFAW-Unifor is hopeful that the Department will listen to the concerns of fish harvesters expressed this year and in years past to expand on existing capelin science which will ensure the best possible understanding of the stock’s true health.
The minimum price of capelin will be negotiated next week, and any capelin landed prior to this will be paid a retroactive price.
The full management plans can be found by clicking here.