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Author: Courtney Langille

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On December 13th the federal Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO) presented its report on Foreign Ownership and Corporate Concentration of Fishing Licenses and Quota to the House of
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FFAW Meet With Key Officials In Ottawa

FFAW-Unifor traveled to Ottawa this week for a series of meetings with federal government together with members of the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters Federation (CIFHF), as well as separate meetings
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Federal NDP Critics Call for Immediate Supports for Fishery Workers

Yesterday, September 26th, MP Lisa Marie Barron (NDP Critic for Fisheries, Oceans, and CCG) and MP Daniel Blaikie (NDP Critic for Employment and Workforce Development) jointly issued a letter to
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FFAW Stresses the Importance of EI Intervention

FFAW-Unifor issued another letter to federal Minister Randy Boisonnault today emphasizing the importance of EI Intervention for seasonal workers in Economic Region 2 engaged in the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery.
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FFAW-Unifor Meet With DFO Deputy Minister in St. John’s

Yesterday, July 31st, FFAW-Unifor met with DFO Deputy Minister Annette Gibbons while she was in St. John’s. FFAW-Unifor President Greg Pretty, Inshore Council Vice-President Tony Doyle, and Courtney Langille, Government
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FFAW-Unifor Recognizes National Seal Products Day

FFAW-Unifor is recognizing today as National Seal Products Day and honouring the historical, social, cultural, and economic contributions that seals represent for our communities. It is also a day to
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Barriers to Federal EI Support Continue to Layer

Further to the update provided earlier this week detailing actions undertaken by your Union to secure opportunities for federal government to support impacted NL seasonal fishery workers, requests continue to
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FFAW Continues to Push for Economic Support, Feds Unreceptive to Crisis

As all impacted seasonal fishery workers in NL head into the 4th week of a tie up as a result of an unviable price for snow crab, FFAW-Unifor has been
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Nancy Bowers


With EI benefits now expired for many FFAW-Unifor harvester and plant worker members, please note individuals who run out of EI should be able to obtain prescriptions through the NL
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FFAW Meet With Minister Bragg – Increased Support from Department Needed in 2023

FFAW-Unifor met with Minister Derrick Bragg yesterday, January 13th, to introduce new leadership and speak about the importance of increased support from his department to ensure that the labour disputes
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