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Author: Courtney Langille

Northern Cod Reassessment Grounds for Increased Stewardship Fishery and Government’s Commitment to NL Inshore

The position of the Fish, Food, and Allied Workers Union (FFAW-Unifor) on access and allocation for Northern cod remains the same as historically recorded, with the first 115,000t being allocated
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Nomination Packages – IRO & Inshore Divisions

Full Nomination Packages for the 2024 FFAW-Unifor Executive Board Election are now available online for viewing and download.
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FFAW and ASP Request Opening of SFA 6 Shrimp Fishery

Yesterday, April 24, 2024, FFAW-Unifor and ASP issued a joint letter to DFO Minister Diane Lebouthillier expressing concern for the delay of the SFA 6 shrimp fishery and requested for
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Press Conference Statement From Greg Pretty, FFAW-Unifor President, April 10, 2024

Statement from Greg Pretty The crab fishing season officially started on Saturday, April 6th, yet all harvesters in Newfoundland and Labrador stayed tied up demanding their fair share of the
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FFAW Request Meeting to Discuss Possible Support for Plant Workers

Today, April 5, 2024, FFAW-Unifor issued an urgent letter requesting an immediate discussion with the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills to explore programming or opportunities available that will
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MEDIA RELEASE: Harvester & Processor Reps Walk Out of Capelin Advisory, Extremist ENGOs Appointed Participants

The 2+3 Capelin advisory kicked off this morning in Gander, with virtual and in person participation. Late this morning, participants were informed that ENGOs Oceans North and Oceana were changed
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FFAW-Unifor Meet With Minister Davis as House of Assembly Reopens

This week, FFAW-Unifor met with Minister Bernard Davis to discuss several concerns on behalf of members as the House of Assembly reopens. In attendance with Minister Davis from his department
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WorkplaceNL Webinar Series Resources

WorkplaceNL hosted a Webinar series January 22-26, 2024, focused on mental health in the workplace. We are pleased to make the content and resources shared during these courses available to
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cyclopterus lumpus hen-fish

FFAW-Unifor’s Response to the Potential Addition of Lumpfish to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk Under the Species at Risk Act (SARA)

Today, January 18, 2024, FFAW-Unifor issued its response to the Potential Addition of Lumpfish to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk Under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The
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FFAW-Unifor Meets With Federal Fisheries Minister In St. John’s

ST. JOHN’S, NL – Yesterday afternoon, January 15th, 2024, FFAW-Unifor had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with federal fisheries Minister, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, to discuss the Union’s top priorities
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