Pending project approval the FFAW is accepting application from Placentia Bay Fish harvesters for a one day deployment to place lobster settlement trays in four sites in Placentia Bay. Deployment will take place during the week of July 22nd.
Vessel will be chartered to move settlement trays which measure Trays measure 61 x 91.5 x 15 cm (24 x 36 x 6 in) and weigh approximately 250 lbs and 10 will be deployed by site at 5-10m depths.
Eligible harvesters are licensed lobster harvesters in one of the following areas:
– Lawn
– Placentia
– Woody Island
– Merasheen
Vessels must be over 25’ in length, equipped with a hauler/winch, and harvesters must have access to GPS for coordinates of deployments. FFAW field technician will be on-board during the activity.
For an application please contact Dwan at the St. John’s office at (709) 576-7276 or
Thank you for your interest. Only those successful in the draw process will be contacted. The deadline for applications has been extended to Friday, July 19 at 4:30pm.