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March 24, 2023

FFAW consistently advocates to bring concerns forward on behalf of members regarding potential impacts associated with oil and gas activities. We facilitate education, awareness, cooperation and information exchange between the fishing and petroleum sectors. We also manage the Fisheries Guide Vessel Program.

The Fisheries Guide Vessel Program contracts commercial fishing vessels during offshore oil and gas operations to guide marine vessels (e.g. tow vessels) safely through open water navigating cautiously to avoid encountering or damaging any fishing gear. All enterprise owners who apply to the program are entered in an annual random draw from which the first name is given the opportunity of first refusal. Names are placed in priority sequence based on the order from the random draw. All participants are paid the same flat rate fee per day. We provide workers compensation and marine liability insurance.

FFAW is looking to replace its outdated Guide Vessel participant inventory. Several drilling projects are expected this summer and Fisheries Guide Vessel work will be available. To have your name added to this new list, please fill out the Fisheries Guide Vessel registration form available on our website or Click here for form To reiterate, we are creating a new list of enterprise owners for the 2023 season interested in Fisheries Guide Vessel work. Those who have expressed interest in the past need to reapply to ensure our inventory is reflective of current vessels readily available for upcoming work.

Email completed forms to or bring hard copies to FFAW headquarters. For more information, please call Katie at 709-576-7276 ext 221.