Jul. 9, 2018
2018 2J3KL Northern Cod Stewardship Fishery – Fall Fishery Option
2018 season dates and base weekly authorized catch limits (standard option) are as indicated below. If fishers have acquired additional Cod shares through enterprise combining, their weekly authorized catch limit will be calculated within the licensing program and identified in their licence conditions.
All weights indicated below are in round weight.
August 5th – October 20th: 3500 lbs/week
August 12th – September 1st: 2000 lbs/week
September 2nd – 29th: 3000 lbs/week (no fishing the week of September 16-22)
September 30th – November 3rd : 3500 lbs/week
To promote the distribution of catch throughout the season in 2018, harvesters have the option of fishing the entire season at the weekly catch limits identified above, or they may opt to fish only during the fall from September 30th – November 3rd. Harvesters that choose the fall fishery option will have their weekly limit (including any additional shares) doubled from September 30th – November 3rd (see table below). Harvesters that choose this option will NOT be able to fish between August 5th and September 29th.
September 30th – October 20th: 7000lbs/week
September 30th – November 3rd: 7000 lbs/week
Harvesters that want to avail of the Fall Fishery Option MUST indicate their intention in writing via e-mail to no later than 5pm on July 30th, 2018.
Harvesters are to provide their full name and FIN when stating that they want to select the Fall Fishery option.
Harvesters that do not indicate their interest in this option by the deadline will receive conditions identifying the base weekly limits (standard option).
To ensure that there is harvest available for those that select the Fall Fishery Option, approximately 75% of the maximum allowable harvest (9,500t) will be permitted up to September 29, 2018. To ensure that the total harvest remains within the maximum authorized harvest, the Department may make adjustments during the season. Any adjustments will be communicated in advance to harvesters via a Notice to Fishers
The full 2018 Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) for the 2J3KL Stewardship cod fishery will be posted online shortly.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Diamond at 709.772-0695 or
For information, contact:
Julie Diamond
Resource Management
Tel. (709) 772-0695