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Industry Post Season Snow Crab Trap Survey

The Industry Post Season Snow Crab Trap Survey is currently in its eleventh year. The snow crab survey started in 2003 and was developed in response to the need for an industry-driven, scientifically sound survey to acquire catch and effort, and biological information.

Each of the crab management areas in 2J3KLNOPs and 4R were divided into survey blocks.  The fixed station (survey blocks) was designed to cover areas from deep within bays to outside 200nm.  Each year 88 vessels sample 1500 stations.

All survey sets are subject to 100% observer coverage; onboard are FFAW field technicians or Seawatch observers.

Data collected during the survey includes duration (or soak time), depth, shell condition, carapace width, carapace damage, BCD, missing leg count, and maturity.

The catch and effort, and biological data collected from the survey are used to develop biomass indices for inclusion in the yearly assessment of 2J3KLNOP4R snow crab.