FFAW-Unifor is Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest private sector union with over 12,000 members working in many industries such as fishing and fish processing, metal fabrication, hospitality, brewing, and skilled trades. We also have the benefit of being associated with Unifor, Canada’s largest private sector union with over 315,000 members. This gives us the unique ability to leverage our national influence to successfully lobby federal and provincial governments on behalf of our members about issues that are most important to them.
MEDIA RELEASE: “Over 150 skilled trades workers from the Vale nickel processing plant in Long Harbour are owed a combined $2.3 million in severance pay from former employer Pennecon Maintenance Services. The employees were laid off with less than two weeks’ notice last month when Vale retendered the contract to new contractor, DF Barnes. FFAW-Unifor is calling on Pennecon to pay the employees’ owed severance per the Labour Standards Act and as promised in the written layoff notice issued by Pennecon last month.”
In STRONG Unions, members vote for their contracts and for their shop steward reps. As members of the FFAW-Unifor, YOU are the union. Your protection, benefits, rights, and dignity as workers will always be our collective priority. You deserve a real union. No more broken promises
As a member of FFAW-Unifor you:
- Have access to a dedicated Staff Representative and a team of over 30 full-time staff members who will stand up for you,
- Are included in our group Life Insurance policy valued at up to $30,000,
- Pay union dues that are significantly less than your current representation (less than $30/week which includes insurance),
- Will have training provided for elected shop stewards, so you have more support at your workplace,
- Are eligible for other training, education, and leadership opportunities within the Union,
- Will have access to other resources for you and your family, like annual scholarships and the Unifor Family Education Program,
- Will receive strike/lockout pay in the event of a strike of lockout,
- And so much more!
We have a strong history with the workers at Long Harbour as we have been on the ground since day one. Our record speaks for itself with hard won battles fought beside your coworkers including; negotiating strong collective agreements, a strong record of countless discipline and discharge cases defended on behalf of union members, a mentoring uplift decision which got hundreds of thousands of dollars back to workers, as well as negotiated shift schedule changes, shift premiums, and other benefits.
Why should I join FFAW-Unifor?
You deserve better. Joining together with your coworkers as a union is the only way to hold your employer accountable. We will never stop fighting for you.
How will FFAW-Unifor fight for me?
We have a strong history of bargaining for some of the best contracts in this province. We will fight with you to get the protections, benefits, and supports you deserve.
What happens after we have enough cards signed for certification?
An application will be sent to the Labour Relations Board on your behalf. The signed cards will remain completely confidential and if there are enough verified, this will lead to a certification vote. The certification vote will use a secret ballot, and you will decide if you want FFAW-Unifor to represent you or not. Again, this process is completely confidential.
Can my employer punish me for signing a union card or talking to coworkers about joining a union?
No. You are protected by the Labour Relations Act in this province. If this happens to you, notify FFAW immediately so we can notify the Labour Relations Board of any undue pressures, intimidation, or reprimands.
What will a Collective Agreement do for me?
A collective agreement is a legally binding contract that your selected committee bargains with management. These agreements typically include clear guidelines surrounding seniority, pay, benefits, leave and discipline. Once decided through the bargaining process and voted on by all members, the collective agreement protects you, holds management accountable, and dictates the guidelines of your employment as agreed on by the workers.
Any card signed is COMPLETELY confidential. The membership cards are never given to the employer. Employers never get to see the cards and will not know who signed the confidential Unifor membership card. The only way the company will know you signed a card is if you tell them. Your confidentiality is very important to us.
Information Sessions May 7th and May 8th