05/26/2017 Yesterday afternoon, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced the groundfish management plan for northern cod. FFAW-Unifor is pleased to see that DFO accepted the proposal put
05/25/2017 ST. JOHN’S, May 25, 2017 – Severe ice conditions continue to affect people working in the fishing industry. Harvesters and plant workers have been without income for several weeks,
05/19/2017 This afternoon, DFO announced that the groundfish fishery in 3Ps would be opening on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. This includes cod, Greenland halibut, hake, skate, as well as bycatch
05/18/2017 Applications are now open for funding under the Seafood Innovation and Transition Program. Click here to read the proposal guidelines and click here for the application form.
05/17/2017 FFAW is now accepting applications to conduct Atlantic Halibut Longline Survey in 3Ps and 3NO in June and July 2017. Harvesters licensed to fish in 3Ps, with experience fishing
05/16/2017 The Canadian Independent Fish Harvester’s Federation (CIFHF) is pleased that the Federal Court of Canada affirmed the constitutionality of the owner-operator[1], fleet separation[2], and PIIFCAF[3] policies. In Kirby Elson and Canada
05/15/2017 The MSC certificate holders for the offshore 3Ps cod fishery announced Friday that they would be voluntarily suspending their certificate, essentially agreeing that the 3Ps cod stock is in
05/12/2017 Yesterday, a press release by the Federation of Independent Sea Harvesters of Newfoundland Labrador (FISH-NL) referenced a meeting held with Premier Dwight Ball and Minister Steve Crocker. FFAW-Unifor is
05/11/2017 ST. JOHN’S – Fish harvesters on the south coast of the province in area 3Ps are calling on the federal government to the address the severe economic situation they